Digital Photography Tips For Better Photos

Digital Photography Tips For Better Photos source: Most Digital Cameras above the entry-level (and even some at an entry-level price point) have features that will help you take better pictures – particularly important at once-in-a-lifetime events. Perhaps an upcoming event this is just what it takes to prompt you to get out that users’ manual you haven’t looked at recently and brush up on some of these features. From a composition standpoint in photography, the most important of these features is a zoom lens. If you’ve got it, use it! And don’t just use it from away up in the bleachers unless you’ve got at least 8X zoom. A zoom lens will give you a lot more flexibility in framing and composing that once-in-a-lifetime shot. With your zoom lens, you may be able to get nicely framed shots from 15-30 feet away. But don’t be fooled just because the zoom le...